Free Tract Materials You Can Study Personally or With A Group

About The Tracts
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
“Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:4
The burden to turn the hearts of men to Jesus through the preaching of the true gospel and the intentional, systematic, and cumulative teaching of His truths to them, is the focus of the Tracts Ministry of Reformation Platform. As the name implies, the Tracts Ministry provides tract materials and publications to aid personal and group study for progressive spiritual growth. The tract publications are available both for online and offline users.
The tracts are divided into two groups:
1. Edification Tracts
2. Evangelistic Tracts
Click any of the links to learn more
How To Use The Tracts
To benefit maximally from the tracts, for spiritual edification and evangelistic purposes, each of the tracts (unless otherwise mentioned) is published in two formats: Texts and Illustrated format. Hence the reason why the Tracts are called “twin tracts”. As each tract is published in text format, the illustrated tracts are designed to give a visual representation of the lesson taught in the text format of the tract.
To aid indepth personal and/or group study, each of the tracts (both texts and illustrated) is filled with relevant scriptures. As a result, users can effectively use the tracts as Bible Study materials.

To use these tracts effectively for your spiritual growth, we recommend the following:
As An Individual
- Read and study the text tracts first, taking time to look at every scripture included there.
- Pray sincerely over every matter learned as it concerns you.
- Read the illustrated tract, also taking time to read every scripture included there.
- Spend some time praying over the matters learned.
As A Group
- Choose a day and time when you will study the tracts.
- Spend 2-3 minutes in worship.
- Have someone read a portion of the text tract.
- Ensure that all the scriptures are read.
- Note personally and collectively the crucial matters the Lord might be raising with you during the study.
- Pray over each of the matters learned during the study.
- At the beginning of every meeting afterwards, review what was learned at the previous meeting before moving to point number 3.
Why Should You Sign Up?
If you cannot join a Bible Study group physically, you can still receive Bible study newsletters based on each of the tracts. The newsletters will help you to understand the tracts and also give practical insights into administering the lessons to your life. The newsletters are studies from each of the tracts to help you delve further into an analysis of the tract.

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Sign up here
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Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

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Are you unable to join us physically? Watch or listen to all our meetings HERE!