A Love Fellowship
Welcome To God's Family
God is set to take you on a journey with Him.

Who we are
Reformation Platform is an international non-denominational, non-governmental Christian ministry charged with the responsibility of edifying the Church and evangelizing the world.
Our Vision
Raising disciples for Jesus with the sole aim of preparing millions of Christians worldwide to be fit for the Kingdom of God to come, and qualify as faithful witnesses, and ambassadors of that same Kingdom, while presently here on earth.
Reformation Platform Ministry is anchored upon Isaiah 58:12, which reveals that “…Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” and Ephesians 4:13-15.
Christians from different backgrounds
RFP is home to Christians from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life who desire strong spiritual bonding, fellowship and transformation into Christlike nature daily. In our midst, Christ is exalted above class, colour or tribe as everyone is a part of one new man. Under the Spirit of God, we nurture the new man,helping people achieve true wellbeing in every realm of life.
Our Weekly Meetings
Fellowship with us weekly
We meet on Mondays, 5pm, at three (3) different fellowship centres. Join us for any of our discipleship classes, physically or virtually, as we look into the Word of God, studying the life of Christ! Each class is geared towards your spiritual growth and maturity.
Free Audio Downloads
The audio archive lists free audio messages for you to download. Each sermon is spirit-lifting and we trust would help you build a firm walk with God. All audios are downloadable, free, with just a single click.
Free Bible Study Companions
Visit the archive of Bible Study Companions to download free materials to aid your personal or group study. Grow your faith walk with these materials, all for free. All downloadable with a single click.
Have questions or need prayers?
God loves you and cares about you
We would like to hear from you. Should you have questions, comments, or want us to pray with or for you, please click the button below.

Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Join Our Meetings Online
Are you unable to join us physically? Watch or listen to all our meetings HERE!

Join Our Meetings Online
Are you unable to join us physically? Watch or listen to all our meetings HERE!